My Music - Go to the ant
Danish   Introduction | Index | About me | Motets
Composed: 2008-2009
First performance: 2009

My contribution to Komvest's spring concert 2009

If you wish to perform, publish, or just study this work, please send me a note.


Gå til myren  - Live

Gå til myren, dovenkrop,
betragt dens færden, og bliv vís.
Den har hverken anfører, overhoved eller hersker,
men den skaffer sig føde om sommeren
og samler forråd ved høsttid.
Hvor længe vil du blive liggende, dovenkrop?
Hvornår rejser du dig fra din søvn?
"Lidt søvn, lidt hvile,
lidt hænderne i skødet",
men så kommer armoden over dig som en landstryger,
nøden som en røver.

Ordsprogenes Bog 6,6-11 (DBS 1992)

Go to the ant

Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:
Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler,
Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.
How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?
Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep:
So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.

Proverbs 6,6-11 (KJV)

If you find that some of my music has too much similarity with other music, please contact me. I don't intend to plagiarize.